Competition Postal Building Rasumofskygasse

Vienna, Austria
Visualization © Josef Andraschko

The new polyvalent city building on the „Rochus market“ is characterised by the postal building with its integrated building of the former phone headquarter. Identifying marks are an open mall flooded with light spreading over 3 grounds with generous parabolic glass roofing and two courtyards. The generic structure allows a hybrid use with office and sales areas, as well as gastronomy. This mixture of quality and quantity leads to an upgrading through its flexible structures with new offers and applications. Dealing respectfully with the building structure of the surroundings a unique building which forms the identity of the place is created – a „house with windows“ which integrates into the existing ensemble.

Drawing © Heidl Architekten
Drawing © Heidl Architekten
Drawing © Heidl Architekten

Other Projects by Heidl Architekten 

Village Square Handenberg
Handenberg, Austria
Banking house Carl Spaengler
Linz, Austria
Competition Austrian Embassy
Zagreb, Croatia
Competition National assembly hall Parliament Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Wettbewerb Krematorium Friedhof Hörnli