To envision a new building in a beautiful landscape is a challenging and fascinating task for an architect. To respect the character of the place and provide it with an extra value to become an emblematic ensemble is the final aspiration.

This project faces the condition of being located in a beautiful area of the Városliget. To contribute and enrich this location and turn it into a new destination is the origin of our approach for the New National Gallery and the Ludwig Museum.

The building volume is placed on the south limit of the site, taking advantage of the maximum length available; creating a long floating volume that liberates the green space of the area and forms as much a gateway from the city to the park as vice versa.

Permeability is one of the key goals of the proposal: the permeability of the park through the ground floor of the museums building. The permeability of the exhibition spaces to the view of the landscape and the permeability of the materiality of the built mass.

Hungarian State

International Wettbewerb /Open competition
First Stage of the Liget Budapest International Design Competition

60.000 m²


Matthias Bauer, Marta Martinez

Maria Rodriguez, Rocio Miranda

Luxigon, Paris France

New National Gallery & Ludwig Museum

 Voltar à lista de projetos
Liget, Budapest, Hungary

Outros projetos por MBA/S Matthias Bauer Associates 

Haus 36
Stuttgart, Alemanha
Skatepark Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Alemanha
Wohnbebauung Nordbahnhofstraße
Stuttgart, Alemanha
Vlora Waterfront
Vlora, Albania
Erweiterungsbau für den UN-Campus
Bonn, Alemanha