Chicagos Architektur-Biennale

Inge Beckel | 4. oktober 2017
#23 – Transition Corridor: «A Purloined Argument, von Keith Krumwiede. Bild:

Diese zweite Austragung versammelt Beiträge von 141 Kreativschaffenden aus über 20 Ländern, so auch aus der Schweiz. Das gesetzte Thema heisst «Make New History», wozu das Duo der künstlerischen Leitung, Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee, meinen: «Spawned from a revolutionary and positivist climate, early modernism’s repression of history severed architecture’s future from its past. While measured and moderate attempts to incorporate historical models before and after the apotheosis of modernism brought about movements ranging from Novecento, rationalism, Neoliberty, postmodernism, and Tendenza to various modes of revivalism, the zeal of modernism prevailed, obscuring these short-lived episodes.» Die beiden folgern daraus, dass «at a time when there is too much information and not enough attention—when a general collective amnesia perpetuates a state of eternal presentness—understanding the channels through which history moves and is shaped by architecture is more important than ever.»

Ausführlich berichtet über die CAB hat Kollege John Hill.

Uitgelicht project 

MET Architects Basel

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