Sebastian Knorr
Sebastian Knorr is the founder of tecDesign Inc. In 2000, after winning the International Design Competition for Pier40 in New York, tecARCHITECTURE moved from New York to Los Angeles. Since then tec has built, and is currently working on, multiple national and international projects on various scales, in Europe, the United States and Asia. Sebastian has won various national and international competitions and awards, including the American Institute of Architects, Los Angeles, Honor Design Award 2006, and the “NEXT” L. A. AIA Award 2007 . He has been the head of design on tec’s various international projects. tec’s expertise and experience, having researched and practiced sustainable design since the early 1990’s connects the various projects and recemtly led to “ECO-CITY” comissions in Europe and Asia, with a special emphasis on climate neutrality. tec’s projects and designs are being published in newspapers and magazines all over the world. They are being described as “icons of modernity” and as works that reveal “a craftsmanship of the third millennium”.