Foto © Hélène Binet
Disegno © Brad Cloepfil
Disegno © Brad Cloepfil
Foto © Victoria Sambunaris
Foto © Brad Cloepfil
Foto © Hélène Binet
© Hélène Binet
Foto © Hélène Binet
Foto © Hélène Binet

Sun Valley Residence

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The Sun Valley Residence lays in a rolling meadow of native grasses and wildflowers at the base of a small hill, surrounded by an established residential neighborhood and the Sawtooth Mountains beyond.

Against the extreme conditions of the high mountain valley, the 4500 sf house creates a quiet sanctuary and gathering place. Four sets of interlocking concrete walls step up the base of Penny Hill. The smooth, sitecast walls weave through the meadows, inverting the landscape with alternating rhythms of enclosure and exposure - disclosing spectacular views while containing private outdoor courts and gardens. The simple roof forms rise and fall between the walls, varying the volumes to create both intimate places of repose as well as generous rooms that open to the landscape.

Altri progetti di Allied Works

Wieden+Kennedy World Headquarters
Portland, OR, USA
Maryhill Overlook
Goldendale, WA, USA
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA, USA
National Music Centre of Canada
Calgary, Alberta Canada, Canada
Museum of Arts and Design
New York, NY, USA