Entwicklung Waldquartier Pantli

Eine ergebnisoffene, prozessorientierte Denkweise. Alles hinterfragen, wenn sinnvoll umdenken. Konventionen sind keine Denkbarierre. Langeweile ist nicht tragbar. Zusammenhängende Gestaltung. Gestaltete Atmosphäre in jedem Massstab. Wert durch schlüssige Lösung. Eigenständig, intuitiv und humorvoll. Leben in Harmonie mit sich und der Welt. Ästhetik als Selbstverständnis. Vertrauen als Basis für erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Respekt im Verhalten und Transparenz in der Kommunikation. Transdisziplinäres Handeln mit Verantwortung. Verknüpfung mit Soziologie, Kunst, Forschung und Wirtschaft

Dost Architecture | We understand architecture as a linear, indefinite in structure and space, point of intersection on the limits of urban planning and interior architecture. The interaction between exterior design, architecture and interior architecture is the defining point of our design. The transdisciplinary design process in a chosen network has the aim of creating spaces for people and the environment which are worth experiencing. Adequate typologies, volumes, structures, materials, relationships and constructions arise. Based on your parameters and requirements, you will be guided to the right solution.

Dost Interior Architecture | Rooms tell stories, convey values and function. Starting from the existing, we orchestrate and clear given qualities. With carefulness, we create multi-sensory compositions from proportions, material, texture, smell, sound and light. Shaped by the contemporary cultural environment, contextual and temporal significance arises through simplicity and meaningfulness. Ideas and technology break through the surface. We work in a network transdisciplinary and respectful. With passion, identity and enthusiasm, together we create sustainable, livable values.

Dost Urban Planning | he outward expansion of communities is limited, which is why inner urban development is called for. Inner densification offers the opportunity to create new, attractive open spaces. Active living together, diversity and joie de vivre are the focus – sustainability the necessity. Visions and concepts emerge from conviction, in a transdisciplinary approach and through a fascination for designing our environment. Listening, questioning, reading between the lines, recognizing, maintaining and developing the valued qualities and potential of a location, while entering into dialogue with stakeholders early on and continuously. That is how we understand successful spatial, town and city planning.

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  • Architectes
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