Foto © Beat Marugg
Foto © Beat Marugg
Foto © Beat Marugg
Foto © Beat Marugg

Torre Jussana

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Barcelona, España

This is one of the best examples of the mansions built during the 19th century by wealthy Barcelona families on the outskirts of the city. Currently, the interior has totally been transformed and houses municipal offices. The project foresees the restoration of the mansion and its garden.
The organization of the programme seeks the best use of the different orientations of the mansion and exploits the spaces to optimize energy. Accordingly, the files and storage are concentrated on the ground floor, where the holdings can be protected from exposure to the sun, while the various rooms and offices are situated on the upper floors to enjoy the views and sunlight provided by terraces.
The central structure of the mansion, with two symmetrical axes and a large distribution space situated at the centre, suggest the situation of the stairs in a central position linked to the spaces of circulation and distribution.
The project envisages the demolition of the volumes added to the top of the building and the construction of a new hipped roof with laminated wood and zinc trusses to give it the height required by legislation.

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Paris, France
Tres Habitatges Canonge 52 Alella
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