Photo © Werner Huthmacher
Umgenutzte ehemalige Viehhalle
Photo © Werner Huthmacher
Bibliothek in der ehemaligen Viehhalle
Photo © Werner Huthmacher
Treppe in einem der Institutsbauten
Photo © Werner Huthmacher
Visualisierung der umgebauten, denkmalgeschützten Viehhalle
Visualization © Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
Visualisierung der straßenseitigen Ansicht
Visualization © Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
Drawing © Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
Visualisierung des Foyers im Hörsaalzentrum
Visualization © Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
Visualisierung des Atriums in Gebäude 6
Photo © Nickl & Partner Architekten AG

University of applied science, Campus Derendorf

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Münsterstraße 156, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany

A new campus with a green corridor in a location near the inner city will be constructed, the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences will be restructured and expanded. With the Derendorf campus, the university is being recreated in two completion phases at a future-oriented location. The fundamental design concept was development of both a central campus and a fine-grained urban structure with a full range of functions. In addition to the conversion of two listed buildings, the concept includes a total of five new buildings, accessible from the campus. The campus plaza is formed by the relationship between the positions of the university’s three central buildings; library, cafeteria and auditorium centre. The three institute buildings, with their public frontages, are also oriented toward the plaza. The other departments are housed in three faculty buildings, with two departments sharing functions in each. On each site, the three faculty buildings are characterised by a primary façade and main entrance oriented toward the campus. Flexible uses, such as a cafe and exhibit space, give each of the faculty buildings its own personality. As the centrepiece of the university area, the campus plaza, with its green corridor, is the district communications centre.

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