Matthias Bauer
Show Biography
2014 MBA/S project H36 shortlisted for the Hugo-Häring-Award
2012 Fellow of the Fonds BKVB, Stichting Fonds Beeldende Kunsten, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst
2009 Projekt Deutscher Baukultur, Zukunft Wohnen, Convertible House
2008 Appointment to the BDA, Bund Deutscher Architekten
1999-05 Assistant professor at the University of Stuttgart
since 1999 MBA/S Matthias Bauer architecture urbanism landscape in Stuttgart
1997 Founded MBA/S office in Rotterdam
1995-98 Project partner at O.M.A., Rem Koolhaas, in Rotterdam
1994-95 Collaboration at Brunet & Saunier Architectes in Paris
1993 Collaboration at O.M.A., Rem Koolhaas, in Rotterdam
1992 Diploma of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart
1962* Stuttgart