Basil Düby
Inhaber und Geschäftsführer
Show Biography
Dipl. Arch. ETH/SIA
Owner and business manager
Basil Düby* 07. September 1969 in Zurich
2011 Change of coroporate form into m3 Architekten AG
2002 Shareholder of the company m3 Architekten GmbH
2001 Establishing of m3 Architekten Zurich
2000 Free lance in the architectural office Linearch Zürich
1998-2000 Collaboration in the architectural office Spörri Althaus Graf Bern
1997 Collaboration in the architectural office Gantenbein & Partner Leipzig
1997 Collaboration in the architectural office Unger
und Treina Zürich
1996 Diploma in architecture at the ETH Zurich with Prof. Mario Campi
1990-1996 Free Lance in the film studios Turnus Film and Film House Zurich
Teaching activity
2001-2007 Assistant lecturer and scientific assistant at the ETH Zurich, Department Architecture Chair Dietmar Eberle
2000-2001 Assistant at the ETH Zurich, Department Architecture Chair Mario Campi

Simon Künzler
Show Biography
Dipl. Arch. FH
Company manager
Simon Künzler* 28. März 1969 in Romanshorn
2011 Company manager Manager of m3 Architekten AG
2009 Member of the company management of m3 Architekten GmbH
2005 Collaboration in the architectural office m3 Architekten GmbH
2004-2005 Collaboration in the architectural office Althammer Hochuli in Zurich
2002-2004 Collaboration in the architectural office m3 Architekten GmbH
1997-2002 Studies at the ZHAW Winterthur, dipl. Architekt FH 2002
1999-2002 Collaboration in the architectural office WeberBrunner in Zurich
1992-1997 Collaboration in the architectural office Olbrecht + Lanter AG in Frauenfeld
1991-1992 Collaboration in the architectural office Roland Dreier in Zurich