R. Matthias Leuppi

Founder, principal
Show Biography

born in Aarau

1975-79 Apprenticeship at Siemens-Albis AG, Zürich

1980-83 studied architecture at the Fachhochschule Brugg Windisch, Switzerland

1984-88 studied architecture at the ETH - Zürich, Switzerland

1989 began his own architecture office 

1989 member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)

1993 member of the Foundation of Registered Architects (REG A)

1995 architecture office with Stephanie M. Schafroth

1994-1999 competitions and private commissions

2000 founded the corporation Leuppi & Schafroth Architects 

since 2000 competitions, studies und commissions for public and private clients

Stephanie M. Schafroth

Founder, principal
Show Biography

born in New Jersey, USA

1982-87  studied architecture at Cornell University, New York

1987 architecture teaching assistent for Prof. Mulcahy, Cornell University, New York

1988-94 worked with Zanoni Architekten, Zürich und Asfour Guzy, New York

1991-93 architecture teaching assistent for visiting professor Dr. E. Blum, ETH-Zürich

1993 licenced architect in New York, USA

1993 member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)

1994 member of the Foundation of Registered Architects (REG A)

1994 member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)

1995 architecture office with R. Matthias Leuppi 

1994-1999 competitions and private commissions, research project ETH-Zurich

2000 founded the corporation Leuppi & Schafroth Architects 

since 2000 competitions, studies und commissions for public and private clients,

juror for competitions and guest critic at architecture schools