As the first zero-energy office building in Switzerland the Marché International Support Office has a pioneering role in current commercial building construction. Corresponding with the policies of the Marché company - following in its restaurants principles of sustainability, health and community - the Marché building is not only energy efficient but rather also provides pleasant and inspiring places to work. The building is a simple, logically designed timber construction, which, thanks to its adherence to the principles of solar architecture, requires only a bare minimum of technical building systems in order to achieve its energy-efficient goals. The comfort level remains high for all employees through all the seasons, while the project’s energy requirement is around ten times lower than that of a conventional office building. The building process lasted exactly 12 months from initial plans to occupation by the client, and the costs remained within the average for an office building in the area around Zürich.

Marché International Support Office

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8310 Kemptthal

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