Gianni Arcangioli

Hiromi Hosoya
Founding Partner
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Hiromi Hosoya is a founding partner of Hosoya Schaefer Architects. She has bachelor degrees in English Literature, Fine Arts, and Architecture, as well as a Master in Architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design. For five years she worked at Toyo Ito & Associates in Tokyo until she became independent in 2003. She has taught interdisciplinary design studios at Cornell University in 2005 and 2006 and was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria from 2007 to 2012. In addition, she taught an advanced architecture design studio and an urban design studio at Harvard GSD in 2011 and 2018.

Alexander Kneer
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Alexander Kneer studierte Architektur an der TU München und am IIT Chicago als
Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Er arbeitete zunächst bei SOM in Chicago und Auer & Weber Architekten in München, bevor er mehrere Jahre in China und den Emiraten lebte und dort an Stadtentwicklungsprojekten mitarbeitete. Er ist einer der Gründer von Token, einem interdisziplinären Designbüro, das unter anderem den Europan 10 in München gewann. Nach einem Urban Design Master an der ETH Zürich kam er 2012 zu Hosoya Schaefer Architects. Er war Projektleiter von erfolgreichen städtebaulichen Wettbewerben wie dem Tech Cluster Zug und dem Masterplan für das Wilhelmsburger Elbinselquartier und wurde 2019 Partner.

Markus Schaefer
Founding Partner
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Markus Schaefer is a founding partner of Hosoya Schaefer Architects. He has a Master in Architecture from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and a Master in Neurobiology from the University of Zurich. He worked for OMA / Rem Koolhaas in Rotterdam for five years and was a director and co-founder of AMO (1999-2003). He was a studio critic at the Berlage Institute (2005-2007), a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (2007-2012) and a main tutor at the Moscow Graduate School of Urbanism at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in collaboration with the Strelka Institute, teaching Advanced Urban Design (2017-2018). In addition, he taught an advanced urban design studio at Harvard GSD in 2018. He is a co-founder of the start-up cividi – civic data intelligence.