The idea of sustainable development was launched at the UN Environment and Development Conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. It aims to link the goals of an efficient economy, a society whose members are in solidarity with each other and a healthy environment, in order to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The Federal Council has set the goal of implementing the principles adopted by the Rio Conference. Sustainable development, however, does not represent only a theme and a task for the authorities; it concerns and demands action from each individual.

The exhibit entitled “Palais de l'Equilibre" made these interrelationships apparent and understandable. It encouraged the general public to explore aspects of their own living and working environment in order to be able to make a personal contribution to sustainable development.

The topics covered in the exhibit reflected such important areas of sustainable development as nutrition/consumption, energy, transportation and land use/development.

In order to be sensitized to the diversity of subjects and the need for action, the visitor followed a path leading from awakening (fascination, worrying developments and threats) through responsibility (possible sustainable development models and opportunities) to action, where certain processes were already under way and where the link with the local Swiss context was made.

2002 was an important year for sustainable development because it marked the tenth anniversary of Rio. Thus it provided the opportunity for an assessment as well as a strengthening of sustainable development policy. The Federal Council adopted its new sustainable development strategy that year. In its opinion, it is important that this central but complex theme arouse keen interest among the general public.

The Palais de l'Equilibre contributed to this in a decisive way, while giving each individual something to think about.

Photo © Lucien Fortunati

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