The Sports Center is part of the ETH Campus and the new Science City in Zurich. It houses the Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport and at the same time offers a wide range of sports facilities to all university affiliates.
At the eastern edge, where the dense urban development merges into the landscape, the Sports Center blends into the terrain, hiding its true volume in the rising slope. With its beveled edges, it looks flat and adapts to its environment. When facing west to Science City it reveals itself as a glass, crystalline body. The surroundings are reflected in the shimmering greenish glazing, partly transparent and partly with an opaque enamel finish. When viewed from the Käferberg, its sports facilities on the roof make it appear like part of the landscape.
The surprising capacity of the space becomes apparent from the foyer, providing a view out into the depths of the building and leading to the grassy ramps. The access paths, auditorium, changing rooms, exercise rooms and gymnastics halls are all grouped on the different floors around the triple sports hall, which forms the heart of the sports center. The walkways through this spacious structure are clearly organized, the various views and the daylight streaming into the depths help to facilitate orientation. All interior areas are characterized by ethereal airiness and brightness. Subtle and uniform white wall, floor, and ceiling finishes enhance this effect.
The ETH Sports Center was one of the first buildings in Switzerland to fulfill the “Minergie-ECO” standards