Metrohm Headquarters

Herisau, 2011

The Metrohm headquarters include offices, training classrooms, laboratories and the entire production with 100/10000 clean rooms and a hi...

MMG Headquarter Dubai

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2007

Interiordesign for MMG Group with lobby, offices and restaurant "the edge"

Competition for a multifunctional laboratory…


Competition for a multifunctional laboratory building, 1st price with Keller.Hubacher.Architekten Herisau

Wettbewerb Fassade Brauerei Locher AG


Competition for the facade of the brewery Locher AG, 1.price with Keller.Hubacher.Architekten Herisau

Competition Europaallee Baufeld B


Competition for an officebuilding, finalist