Foto © Beat Marugg

Plaça del Virrei Amat

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Barcelona, Spanien
Andreu Arriola, Carme Fiol, T. Bessai, D. Dethlefsen, U. Huber, B. Marugg
Grup JG

The remodelling of Plaça del Virrei Amat not only addresses its environs, it also proposes a new configuration that increases this public area from 2,500 m2 to 18,500 m2, adding new spaces and introducing new traffic layouts.
The traffic organization converts many adjacent streets for pedestrian use, incorporating them into this new public development. It also serves to redistribute the public transport system and reposition bus stops.
The square is identified as a large space for leisure and pedestrian circulation with an artificial pool and fountains as the main representative motif. The surrounding pavement is shaped topographically as a beach, sloping up to the pool. Finally, the new square develops beyond its spacious surroundings and connects with the neighbourhood. The volumes of the pond, “beach”, pergola, vegetation and terraces are arranged to organize the access, paths and views in relationship to the immediate landscape.

Andere Projekte von Arriola & Fiol

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Parc Central de Nou Barris
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La Rose de Cherbourg
Paris, Frankreich
Tres Habitatges Canonge 52 Alella
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