© Beat Marugg
© Beat Marugg
© Beat Marugg
© Beat Marugg

Parc de Bombers

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Montblanc, Frankreich
A. Arriola, C. Fiol, Martina Alonso, X. Arriola, Massimiliano Fiore, Vincenzo Bagnato
Augustí Obiol

The project is organized around a central hall where the fire trucks are parked. The rest of the program, that is, the sitting and dining room, kitchen and bedrooms in the second floor, are complementary to this main working room. This concept is carried out to the spatial volume of the fire station, where the roof of this central room is extended to the whole building and to its façades.
The four doors for the cars, as big squared mouths opening at different directions, reinforce the movement of the building.
The four doors for the cars, as big squared mouths opening at different directions, reinforce the movement of the building.
The four doors for the cars, as big squared mouths opening at different directions, reinforce the movement of the building. The alignments of the building and its three dimensional volume refer to the dented line of the Montsant hills in the background. From the beginning the building itself was understood more as a topographic accident in the landscape than a small nave in an industrial zone.

Andere Projekte von Arriola & Fiol

Casa Costa
Pujalt, Spanien
Museu de la Música Barcelona
Barcelona, Spanien
Parc Central de Nou Barris
Barcelona, Spanien
La Rose de Cherbourg
Paris, Frankreich
Tres Habitatges Canonge 52 Alella
Alella, Spanien